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Jacques Misery
18 Rue Martin Bernard


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Price per night:

price from €90





Description for B&B:

After a long day, you can retreat to your own cozy short-term rental and fully indulge in a stress-free vacation experience.

This charming 1-bedroom apartment is situated in Butte aux cailles, in the vibrant neighborhood of Place d'Italie in Paris' 13th arrondissement. It can accommodate up to 2 guests, making it an ideal choice for couples.

Priced at €500 per week or €1500 per month, this bright and airy 30 m2 (300 sq. ft.) Parisian apartment guarantees an authentic experience. Nestled in the sunny hillside of one of the picturesque Parisian villages, it showcases a sun-drenched bedroom and a fully-equipped kitchen, along with a spacious balcony providing stunning views of the surrounding hills and charming houses.


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extra bed
(2 pers.)
1 90 95 non




  • Jardin des Plantes: Located just a short distance from Rue Martin Bernard, Jardin des Plantes is one of the oldest botanical gardens in the world. It offers beautiful landscapes, greenhouses, and a small zoo, making it an ideal spot for nature lovers.
  • National Museum of Natural History: Situated within Jardin des Plantes, the National Museum of Natural History is a fascinating attraction for both adults and children. It houses an extensive collection of artifacts, including dinosaur fossils, minerals, and animal specimens.
  • Grande Mosquée de Paris: This stunning mosque is a hidden gem in the city. It features intricate tilework, beautiful gardens, and a peaceful courtyard. Visitors can enjoy traditional mint tea and pastries at the on-site café.
  • Pantheon: A short walk from Rue Martin Bernard, the Pantheon is a neoclassical mausoleum that houses the remains of many notable French figures, including Voltaire, Victor Hugo, and Marie Curie. The interior boasts impressive architecture and stunning views from its dome.
  • The Latin Quarter: Known for its lively atmosphere, the Latin Quarter is a vibrant neighborhood filled with narrow streets, quirky bookstores, and charming cafes. It also houses the famous Sorbonne University, adding an academic touch to the area.
  • Seine River: Only a short distance from Rue Martin Bernard, the Seine River offers a picturesque setting for a leisurely stroll or a romantic boat cruise. Enjoy the iconic views of the Notre-Dame Cathedral and the Eiffel Tower along the way.
  • Île de la Cité: Situated on the Seine River, Île de la Cité is a small island that is home to the famous Notre-Dame Cathedral. Explore the island's medieval streets, visit the Sainte-Chapelle, or simply admire the stunning architecture.
  • Butte-aux-Cailles: Nestled in the 13th arrondissement, Butte-aux-Cailles is a charming and bohemian neighborhood with a village-like atmosphere. It offers colorful street art, trendy bars, and cozy restaurants, making it a perfect place to explore.
  • Paris Catacombs: Delve into the city's underground world by visiting the Paris Catacombs. This underground ossuary contains the remains of around six million people and offers a unique and eerie experience. 10. Luxembourg Gardens: Located in the nearby 6th arrondissement, Luxembourg Gardens is a serene and picturesque park. It offers well-manicured lawns, beautiful flowerbeds, and a large pond where visitors can rent sailboats. These attractions near Rue Martin Bernard provide a mix of natural beauty, historical significance, and cultural experiences, ensuring a memorable visit to Paris.

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