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Claire Berni
131 Rue Du Chemin Vert


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Price per night:

price from €200






Description for B&B:

Pépé Merle is conveniently situated in the vibrant 11th arrondissement, right in the heart of Paris. This district is known for its lively atmosphere and abundance of cultural attractions. The famous Père Lachaise cemetery, as well as the Bastille, République, Ménilmontant, and Marais districts, are all just a short distance away. Additionally, the Père Lachaise Metro Station is only a one-minute walk away, providing easy access to two lines that span across the city. For those looking to explore further, a nearby bus station allows for convenient visits to the Louvre, Jardin des Plantes, Villette, and the charming quays of the Canal de l'Ourcq.

At Chez Pépé Merle, guests can experience an authentic Parisian bed and breakfast. Located in a historic building that once housed my great-grandfather's boiler shop, this charming establishment offers three comfortable rooms with tasteful decor. The Grand Palais Room and Oberkampf Room come with their own private bathrooms, while the Family Suite consists of the Ménilmontant Room and the Oberkampf Room, which share a beautifully appointed bathroom.


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Here are the revised travel directions:

Location: 131 rue du Chemin Vert, 75011 Paris
GPS coordinates: Latitude 48.857893, Longitude 2.3712668

Transportation options:
1. Metro Line 2 or Line 3: Get off at the Père Lachaise stop and take the Bd de Ménilmontant exit.
2. Bus Line 61 or Line 69: Get off at the Folie Regnault Chemin vert stop.
3. Bus Line 71: Get off at the Père Lachaise stop.



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Notes: Rates depending on the season and the room, make a quote request to validate the prices, thank you




  • Père Lachaise Cemetery: Located just a short distance from Rue Du Chemin Vert, Père Lachaise Cemetery is the final resting place of many famous figures such as Oscar Wilde, Jim Morrison, and Frédéric Chopin. This historic cemetery is known for its beautiful architecture, tranquil atmosphere, and stunning sculptures.
  • Bastille: The historic site of the July Revolution in 1789, Bastille is a former prison that has now become a symbol of the French Revolution. Today, it houses the Opéra Bastille and offers a variety of shops, cafes, and restaurants. Visitors can explore the area's history and enjoy its vibrant atmosphere.
  • Place des Vosges: Located in the heart of the Marais district, Place des Vosges is one of the oldest squares in Paris. This stunning square features elegant arcades, beautiful gardens, and red-brick buildings with distinctive arched windows. It's a perfect spot for a relaxing stroll or a picnic.
  • Musée Picasso: Situated in the Hôtel Salé, Musée Picasso is dedicated to the works of renowned artist Pablo Picasso. The museum showcases an extensive collection of his paintings, sculptures, ceramics, and drawings, offering visitors a deeper understanding of the artist's life and creative process.
  • Canal Saint-Martin: A picturesque waterway in the 10th and 11th arrondissements of Paris, Canal Saint-Martin is a popular spot for locals and tourists alike. The canal is lined with charming cafes, shops, and tree-lined paths, making it an ideal place for a leisurely walk or a relaxing boat ride.
  • Le Marais: One of the trendiest neighborhoods in Paris, Le Marais is known for its narrow medieval streets, historic architecture, and vibrant atmosphere. It offers a wide range of attractions, including art galleries, boutiques, cafes, and the Jewish Quarter. Visitors can explore its rich history and enjoy its lively ambiance.
  • Opéra Bastille: One of the most prominent opera houses in Paris, Opéra Bastille is renowned for its modern architecture and world-class performances. It hosts a variety of opera and ballet productions throughout the year, making it a must-visit destination for performing arts enthusiasts.
  • Musée Carnavalet: Located in the Marais district, Musée Carnavalet is a history museum that chronicles the history of Paris. Housed in two adjacent mansions, it showcases a vast collection of artworks, artifacts, and historical documents, providing a fascinating insight into the city's past.
  • Place de la République: A significant public square in Paris, Place de la République is known for its impressive statue of Marianne, a symbol of the French Republic. The square is often a gathering place for political demonstrations and cultural events, and it offers a lively atmosphere surrounded by cafes and shops. 10. Marché Bastille: One of the largest open-air markets in Paris, Marché Bastille is a food lover's paradise. It features a wide selection of fresh produce, gourmet products, cheeses, meats, and more. Visitors can enjoy the vibrant atmosphere, sample local specialties, and soak in the flavors of French cuisine.

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