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Nicolas Pomes
Rue des Chênes Rouges


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Price per night:

price from €88






Description for B&B:

Experience the captivating allure of our rooms, nestled within meticulously restored buildings that boast a remarkable history spanning over 400 years. Immerse yourself in the enchanting ambiance created by the perfect blend of ancient charm and modern comforts. Additionally, guests have the option to enjoy the convenience of a kitchenette and a delightful dining area.


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To get to Etrechy from the Gare d'Austerlitz train station on the RER C line, it will take approximately 50 minutes. We can arrange to pick you up at the station.

If you are driving from Paris, follow these directions: Take the A6 towards Lyon at the door, then take the A10 towards Orleans, Étampes, and Longjumeau. Finally, take the N20 towards Stamps. Take the second exit for Etrechy (Royal Etrechy bridge), and then take the first right at the roundabout, following the direction for Paris. At the second roundabout, take the fourth left towards Paris. Continue straight until you reach a stop sign. After the stop sign, take the second right where you will see a sign indicating "Farm Vintué".

If you are using GPS, the coordinates for the destination are: Street Oak Death.

If you are coming from Orly airport, it will take approximately 30 minutes to reach the farm. Take the A86 towards Versailles and then follow the directions mentioned above.



Disabled Access
Animals Allowed


  • Château de Chamarande: Located just 15 minutes away from Rue des Chênes Rouges, Château de Chamarande is a beautiful castle surrounded by extensive parkland. The castle houses an art center, showcasing contemporary art exhibitions, while the park offers various walking trails, picnic areas, and a lake.
  • La Roseraie de Saint-Jean-de-Beauregard: Situated about 10 minutes away, La Roseraie de Saint-Jean-de-Beauregard is a stunning rose garden known for its collection of over 13,000 rose bushes. Visitors can explore the different themed areas, admire the vibrant colors, and learn about the history and care of roses.
  • Marolles-en-Hurepoix: A charming village located approximately 5 kilometers from Rue des Chênes Rouges, Marolles-en-Hurepoix is known for its well-preserved medieval architecture. Take a leisurely stroll through the narrow streets, discover historical landmarks like the Church of Saint-Sulpice, and enjoy the peaceful ambiance of this picturesque village.
  • Château de Courances: Around 20 minutes away, Château de Courances is a magnificent Renaissance castle surrounded by a stunning landscaped garden. Visitors can explore the castle's interior, which features beautiful period furnishings, and wander through the extensive gardens, including a water garden with fountains and a Japanese-style garden.
  • Domaine de Chamarande: Adjacent to Château de Chamarande, Domaine de Chamarande is a vast parkland offering a variety of recreational activities. Visitors can enjoy hiking and cycling trails, a playground, picnic areas, and even an open-air theater where concerts and performances are held during the summer months.
  • Abbey of Saint-Louis-du-Temple: Located in Étréchy itself, the Abbey of Saint-Louis-du-Temple is a significant historical site. Originally built in the 12th century, the abbey is now mostly in ruins but still holds an enchanting atmosphere. Visitors can explore the remaining structures and learn about the abbey's fascinating history.
  • Musée des Arts Forains: Situated in Paris, approximately 50 minutes away, Musée des Arts Forains is a unique museum dedicated to fairground arts and entertainment. Visitors can discover a vast collection of antique fairground rides, games, and decorations, providing a nostalgic and whimsical experience.
  • Fontainebleau Forest: About an hour's drive from Rue des Chênes Rouges, Fontainebleau Forest is a vast wooded area renowned for its natural beauty. It offers numerous hiking trails, rock climbing opportunities, and picturesque spots for picnics. The forest is also home to the magnificent Château de Fontainebleau, a UNESCO World Heritage site worth visiting. These attractions provide a mix of cultural, historical, and natural experiences, allowing visitors to explore the local area and its surroundings.

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