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François Tarrin
9, Rue de Fourcherolles
Dampierre en Yvelines


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Price per week:

price from €450






Description for B&B:

The Dampierre Studio is situated in a charming village just outside Dampierre en Yvelines, where you can discover various shops and restaurants. It boasts an independent entrance and a small secluded garden, providing you with privacy and tranquility. The studio, situated on the ground floor, includes a cozy sofa bed for two people, a modern and practical bathroom with a shower, a dining area, and a fully-equipped kitchen complete with a dishwasher, crockery, washing machine, oven, microwave, fridge, and freezer (for longer stays). Additionally, there is a single bed with an additional mattress available on the first floor. For added comfort, the studio is equipped with air conditioning and Wi-Fi.

Description for Gite

Welcome to our charming cottage located in the beautiful Chevreuse Valley in Yvelines. Perfect for couples or small groups of up to three people, this cozy retreat is nestled in the heart of nature.

In addition to the serene ambiance, we offer a range of exciting activities for our guests. Capture your memories in our professional photo studio, where you can enjoy a private session or even receive personalized training (prices available upon request).

Attention, ladies! Indulge in some retail therapy at our fashion store, "Du Côté de Chez Fred," conveniently located in Dampierre. As our valued guests, you will receive an exclusive 20% discount on all fashion clothing and accessories.

Come and experience the beauty of the Chevreuse Valley while enjoying the comfort and convenience of our charming cottage.


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If you are traveling by road from Paris, take the A13 and then exit onto the A12 towards Rambouillet. From there, take the N10 exit towards Le Mesnil Saint Denis and Dampierre. If you are looking for the N117, exit at Saclay and Gif sur Yvette, and then head towards Saint Rémy lès Chevreuse, Chevreuse, and Dampierre.

If you prefer to travel by train, take the RER line B from Roissy to Saint Rémy lès Chevreuse, which is located 15km from the house.



Property type Quantity
Prices in €
Daily Prices Weekly Prices
min. max. min. max.
extra bed
Notes: 2 nights minimum, no breakfast




  • Château de Dampierre: Located in the town of Dampierre-en-Yvelines, this stunning castle is a prime example of French classical architecture. The château features beautiful gardens, intricate sculptures, and an impressive collection of art. Visitors can take guided tours to explore the palace's rich history and admire its grandeur.
  • Parc naturel régional de la Haute Vallée de Chevreuse: Situated near Dampierre-en-Yvelines, this regional nature park offers scenic landscapes, charming villages, and diverse wildlife. Visitors can enjoy hiking, cycling, or horseback riding through the park's numerous trails. The park also encompasses historical sites such as the Abbaye des Vaux de Cernay, adding cultural value to its natural beauty.
  • Château de Versailles: Located approximately 15 kilometers from Dampierre-en-Yvelines, the Palace of Versailles is an iconic tourist attraction. This opulent royal residence was built during the reign of Louis XIV and is recognized for its extravagant architecture, stunning gardens, and historic significance. Visitors can explore the palace's lavish interiors, admire the Hall of Mirrors, and stroll through the vast gardens.
  • Musée Maurice Ravel: Situated in Montfort-l'Amaury, a short distance from Dampierre-en-Yvelines, this museum pays homage to the renowned composer Maurice Ravel. The museum showcases Ravel's life, works, and musical instruments. Visitors can learn about the composer's creative process, listen to his compositions, and gain insight into his contributions to the world of music.
  • Château de Breteuil: Located in Choisel, a neighboring town, the Château de Breteuil is a historical castle surrounded by picturesque gardens. This well-preserved castle offers guided tours that take visitors through its elegant rooms, including a collection of antique dolls and toys. The castle frequently hosts cultural events and activities, making it an engaging attraction for all ages.
  • France Miniature: Situated in Élancourt, around 15 kilometers away, France Miniature is a unique amusement park that showcases miniature replicas of famous French landmarks. Visitors can explore scaled-down versions of iconic sites such as the Eiffel Tower, Mont Saint-Michel, and the Palace of the Popes. This interactive park offers an educational and entertaining experience for both children and adults.
  • Musée de la Toile de Jouy: Located in Jouy-en-Josas, a short distance from Dampierre-en-Yvelines, this museum celebrates the art of Jouy fabric. The museum exhibits a collection of printed fabrics, showcasing their historical and cultural significance. Visitors can learn about the manufacturing process, view intricate designs, and understand the impact of Jouy fabric on fashion and interior design.
  • Musée de la Grenouillère: Situated in Croissy-sur-Seine, approximately 20 kilometers away, this museum explores the artistic history of the Impressionist movement. The museum is dedicated to the famous painting "Canotiers à la Grenouillère" by Claude Monet and Auguste Renoir. Visitors can discover the relationship between the artists and the location, as well as admire other Impressionist works displayed in the museum. These attractions offer a diverse range of experiences, from exploring historical landmarks and museums to enjoying the beauty of nature and art.

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