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Susanne Hubbuch
5, Rue Ruffier D'epenoux
Pusy Epenoux


1 reviews

Price per night:

price from €160



Description for B&B:

The Castle of Epenoux, along with its outbuildings and small chapel, was constructed during the 18th century and is conveniently located 4.5 km north of Vesoul in the beautiful Haute-Saône region of Franche-Comté.

The expansive park, spanning 5 hectares and adorned with ancient trees, provides a delightful setting for leisurely strolls and various outdoor activities. When the weather turns colder, guests can find solace in the cozy lounge, where they can relax in front of a crackling fire, listening to music or enjoying a good book.

This historic castle seamlessly blends the grace and elegance of yesteryears with modern comforts, ensuring a pleasant and comfortable stay. Nestled away from the bustling tourist areas, the surrounding region offers a plethora of opportunities for sports and cultural activities. Immerse yourself in the enchanting allure of Haute-Saône and allow us to pamper you during your stay at the Château.


Appréciations pour Château D'epenoux, Pusy Epenoux:

Magnificent Chateau
Review by: Jorge & Pauline, Dec 13 2010 6:51PM
Such wonderful hospitality from Eva and Suzanne in this most beautifully renovated property. The rooms are exquisite and large, but still have a friendly and cosy feel. Enjoyed our 3 nights here with such lovely people. Hope to pass this way again.

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To reach the castle from Vesoul, head towards St.-Loup on the D10 road for a distance of 4.5 km. Upon reaching Epenoux, you will find the castle as the first structure within the village.




  • Besançon Citadel: Located in the nearby city of Besançon, the Citadel is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. It offers stunning panoramic views of the city, houses several museums, and is surrounded by beautiful gardens.
  • Musée des Beaux-Arts et d'Archéologie de Besançon: This museum showcases an extensive collection of fine arts and archaeological artifacts. It features works by renowned artists like Picasso, Matisse, and Monet, as well as ancient Roman and Egyptian artifacts.
  • Chapelle de Ronchamp: Designed by the famous architect Le Corbusier, this modernist masterpiece is a pilgrimage site for architecture enthusiasts. The chapel's unique design and spiritual ambiance make it a must-visit attraction.
  • The Lion of Belfort: Situated in the city of Belfort, this colossal sculpture is a symbol of French resistance. The statue commemorates the heroic defense of the city during the Franco-Prussian War and offers a captivating sight.
  • Château de Ray-sur-Saône: This picturesque castle is nestled near the village of Ray-sur-Saône. Dating back to the 13th century, it boasts medieval architecture and offers guided tours that provide insight into its history.
  • Musée de l'Aventure Peugeot: Located in Sochaux, this museum showcases the history of the Peugeot automobile company. Visitors can explore vintage cars, technological innovations, and learn about the brand's heritage.
  • Lac de Vesoul - Vaivre: A scenic lake located near Vesoul, it offers various recreational activities such as swimming, fishing, and boating. The surrounding park has walking trails and picnic areas, making it an ideal spot for a relaxing day.
  • Citadelle de Belfort: Another fortress located in Belfort, the Citadelle offers guided tours that delve into its military history. Visitors can explore its ramparts, underground tunnels, and enjoy panoramic views of the city.
  • Musée Baron Martin: Situated in the town of Gray, this museum houses an impressive collection of fine arts, including works by renowned artists such as Renoir and Monet. The museum is housed in an elegant 18th-century mansion. 10. Maison de la Négritude et des Droits de l'Homme: Located in Champagney, this museum promotes the history and culture of Black people while addressing the issues of human rights. It offers exhibits, artwork, and educational programs. These attractions offer a diverse range of experiences, from historical landmarks and art museums to natural beauty and cultural heritage.

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