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Claude Millot
Route de Boissy - 17 Hameau de la Butte



1 reviews

Price per night:

price from €65






Description for B&B:

- The Romance "suite" is a comfortable family suite consisting of two bright bedrooms. The first bedroom features a twin bed, while the second bedroom offers two single beds. This suite is complemented by a private bathroom equipped with a bathtub and toilet facilities.

- The Africaine room is a generously sized bedroom adorned with African-themed decor. It is furnished with a twin bed, a desk, and some storage arrangements. Additionally, this room boasts a private bathroom and separate private toilet facilities, ensuring a tranquil and exclusive experience away from other areas.


Appréciations pour La Ferme de Justan, Bréval:

Retour du 26/09
Review by: Ludivine, Sep 29 2013 7:49PM
Très belles chambres! Déco raffinée et de bon goût. Accueil chalereux , tout a été parfait!

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Property type Quantity
Prices in €
Daily Prices Weekly Prices
min. max. min. max.
extra bed
(2 pers.)
4 65 65 380 380 20 oui
(3 pers.)
1 85 85 20 oui
Notes: 2 nights in formulas


Swimming Pool
Disabled Access


  • Château de Versailles: Located about 30 kilometers east of Bréval, the Château de Versailles is a grand palace known for its opulent architecture and stunning gardens. It was the residence of French kings and queens, and today, visitors can explore the opulent apartments, the Hall of Mirrors, and the vast gardens.
  • Monet's House and Gardens: Situated in Giverny, approximately 60 kilometers northwest of Bréval, Monet's House and Gardens were once the residence of famous Impressionist painter Claude Monet. The house is beautifully preserved, and the gardens are a living masterpiece, featuring the iconic water lily pond and Japanese bridge that inspired many of Monet's paintings.
  • Claude Monet Foundation: Also located in Giverny, the Claude Monet Foundation is an art museum dedicated to the works of Claude Monet and other Impressionist painters. The museum showcases a collection of Monet's paintings, as well as temporary exhibitions that celebrate the Impressionist movement.
  • Palace of Malmaison: Found approximately 60 kilometers southeast of Bréval, the Palace of Malmaison is a historical site known for its association with Napoleon Bonaparte and Josephine. Visitors can explore the luxurious rooms filled with period furniture, art, and personal items of the former emperor and empress.
  • Thoiry Safari Park: Situated about 30 kilometers northeast of Bréval, Thoiry Safari Park offers a unique safari experience. Visitors can drive through the park in their own vehicle, observing various animals like lions, giraffes, and zebras in a semi-wild environment. The park also has a zoo and a beautiful botanical garden to explore.
  • Musée des impressionnismes Giverny: Located in Giverny, just a short distance from Monet's House and Gardens, the Musée des impressionnismes Giverny is dedicated to the Impressionist art movement. The museum houses a collection of paintings, sculptures, and photographs from various Impressionist artists, providing visitors with an in-depth understanding of this influential art style.
  • Arboretum de Grignon: Situated approximately 20 kilometers southwest of Bréval, the Arboretum de Grignon is a beautiful botanical garden spread across 200 hectares of land. It features a wide variety of trees, plants, and flowers, making it an ideal place for a peaceful stroll and a picnic amidst nature.
  • Château de Rambouillet: Found about 35 kilometers southeast of Bréval, the Château de Rambouillet is a former royal residence that now serves as the official summer residence of the President of France. Visitors can explore the beautifully furnished rooms, stroll through the French-style gardens, and even encounter wildlife in the surrounding park.
  • Fondation Claude Monet: Situated in Giverny, the Fondation Claude Monet is another museum dedicated to the life and works of Claude Monet. It houses a large collection of Monet's paintings, as well as a display of his personal belongings. The museum is located in a charming pink house with a lovely garden, providing a serene atmosphere for art enthusiasts. 10. Château de la Roche-Guyon: Located about 50 kilometers northwest of Bréval, the Château de la Roche-Guyon is a medieval fortress built on a cliff overlooking the Seine River. It boasts a rich history and offers guided tours that take visitors through the castle's rooms, underground tunnels, and stunning terraced gardens.

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