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Virginie Bonnabel
Bergerie de Beaudine Route de Limans


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3 70 85
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2 75 90 17
Holiday Home 1 1020 1610


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  • Citadelle de Forcalquier: Located in the town of Forcalquier, the Citadelle de Forcalquier is a historic fortress offering panoramic views of the surrounding landscape. Visitors can explore the castle's towers, ramparts, and gardens while learning about the region's rich history.
  • Notre-Dame de Provence: Situated in the heart of Forcalquier, Notre-Dame de Provence is a stunning Gothic-style cathedral. The cathedral features intricate stained glass windows, beautiful architecture, and a tranquil atmosphere, making it a must-visit for history and architecture enthusiasts.
  • Jardins du Prieuré de Salagon: Just a short drive from Forcalquier, the Jardins du Prieuré de Salagon is a delightful botanical garden set within the grounds of an ancient priory. The garden showcases a variety of plants, flowers, and herbs, allowing visitors to immerse themselves in nature and enjoy the peaceful surroundings.
  • Colorado Provençal: Located approximately 30 kilometers from Forcalquier, the Colorado Provençal is a unique natural site known for its vibrant ochre-colored cliffs and rock formations. Visitors can explore the area's numerous walking trails, taking in the breathtaking scenery that resembles the American Southwest.
  • Observatoire de Haute-Provence: Situated near the village of Saint-Michel-l'Observatoire, the Observatoire de Haute-Provence is an astronomical observatory open to the public. Visitors can enjoy guided tours, stargazing sessions, and learn about the fascinating world of astronomy in a serene and educational environment.
  • Ganagobie Abbey: Located on a hilltop near the town of Ganagobie, Ganagobie Abbey is a picturesque Benedictine monastery dating back to the 10th century. Visitors can explore the abbey's beautiful architecture, visit the church, and enjoy panoramic views of the surrounding countryside.
  • Lurs: This charming medieval village is perched on a hilltop and offers stunning views of the Durance Valley. Visitors can wander through the narrow, winding streets, admire the well-preserved medieval architecture, and visit the village's church and castle ruins.
  • Oppedette: Situated in the Luberon Regional Park, the village of Oppedette is known for its dramatic cliffs and picturesque landscapes. Visitors can explore the village's ancient streets, visit the 12th-century church, and take a scenic hike through the Gorges d'Oppedette.
  • Les Mourres: Located near the village of Forcalquier, Les Mourres is a unique geological formation characterized by large, mushroom-shaped rocks. Visitors can hike through the area, marveling at the natural sculptures and enjoying breathtaking views of the surrounding countryside. 10. Manosque: Just a short drive from Forcalquier, Manosque is a charming Provencal town famous for being the birthplace of the renowned writer Jean Giono. Visitors can stroll through the town's historic center, visit the Jean Giono Foundation, and explore the bustling market filled with local produce and products.

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