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Jean-Pierre Doebele
2 le Tach



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Price per night:

price from €70






Description for B&B:

There are three rooms available, each with medical facilities and a private WC. Each room is furnished with a spacious bed measuring 200x160, which consists of two mattresses measuring 200x80. Additionally, the Bordeaux room is equipped with an extra bed measuring 190x90. In total, the accommodation can comfortably accommodate up to seven people.


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Take Motorway A62 heading towards Bordeaux/Toulouse. Take Exit N° 4 for La Réole. Turn left onto D9, following the direction of Aillas. Once you pass the water-tower, make a left turn onto D124 towards Sigalens. After traveling 1300 meters, you will find a gravel path on the left.



Property type Quantity
Prices in €
Daily Prices Weekly Prices
min. max. min. max.
extra bed
(2 pers.)
2 70 70 oui
(3 pers.)
1 70 70 26 oui


Animals Allowed


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  • Château de Vayres: Located near Bordeaux, this Renaissance castle is set amidst beautiful gardens and offers guided tours of its lavishly decorated rooms, including the grand ballroom, chapel, and medieval kitchens. The castle also hosts various cultural events and medieval festivals. 10. Les Antilles de Jonzac: A tropical-themed water park and wellness center in Jonzac, offering a variety of indoor and outdoor pools, water slides, saunas, and relaxation areas. It's a great place for families and individuals seeking a day of fun and relaxation.