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Joss Lecomte
23, Hameau de Champ Romery
Dampierre en Yvelines



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Price per night:

price from €67






Description for B&B:

The Locandiera provides a selection of four cozy rooms, each with the ability to accommodate a maximum of 11 individuals. Each room also includes a private bathroom for added convenience.

Description for Gite

The "Bamboo" room offers a comfortable double bed with an option for an additional single bed. Guests can enjoy picturesque views of the Victorian conservatory and the surrounding fields. The "Birdcage" room features two cozy single beds and a lovely view of the veranda and fields. The "Buddha" room boasts a spacious double bed with a delightful garden view. Lastly, the "Simba" room offers a generous double bed, a single bed, and the flexibility for an extra bed. Guests can enjoy a serene atmosphere overlooking the courtyard and garden.


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To reach Dampierre en Yvelines, start from the Auberge du Château and the Auberge St Pierre. Follow D. 58 towards Maincourt. Upon reaching the end of Dampierre, you will notice the last house on the left. Take the small road that leads into the woods for approximately 2.5 km. Look for the second sign that reads "Field Romery." Turn right into the village and continue until you reach the end of a dead end. The last house on the right, No. 23, is your destination.



Property type Quantity
Prices in €
Daily Prices Weekly Prices
min. max. min. max.
extra bed
(2 pers.)
2 67 20 oui
(3 pers.)
2 87 20 oui
Holiday Home 1 250


Swimming Pool


  • Château de Dampierre: Located in the village of Dampierre en Yvelines, this stunning 17th-century castle is a must-visit attraction. Its beautiful gardens and parkland offer a peaceful and picturesque setting, perfect for a leisurely stroll and admiring the architecture.
  • Château de Versailles: Situated approximately 15 kilometers away from Dampierre en Yvelines, the Palace of Versailles is one of France's most famous landmarks. This opulent palace was the residence of French kings and queens, and its grandeur and extensive gardens are truly breathtaking.
  • France Miniature: Just a short drive from Dampierre en Yvelines, France Miniature is a unique theme park that showcases scaled-down replicas of famous French landmarks and landscapes. Visitors can explore miniature versions of iconic sites such as the Eiffel Tower, Mont Saint-Michel, and the Palace of the Popes.
  • Musée Maurice Ravel: Located in Montfort-l'Amaury, around 10 kilometers away, this museum honors the life and works of the renowned composer Maurice Ravel. The museum displays personal items, manuscripts, and memorabilia, providing an insightful journey into Ravel's musical genius.
  • Parc Naturel Régional de la Haute Vallée de Chevreuse: Situated in the Chevreuse Valley, this regional natural park offers stunning landscapes, forests, and charming villages. Visitors can enjoy outdoor activities such as hiking, cycling, and picnicking while immersing themselves in the tranquility of nature.
  • Château de Breteuil: Located in Choisel, approximately 8 kilometers away, Château de Breteuil is a well-preserved castle with beautiful gardens. The castle offers guided tours that take visitors through its rich history, showcasing its furnished rooms, art collections, and beautifully landscaped grounds.
  • Musée de la Toile de Jouy: Situated in Jouy-en-Josas, around 20 kilometers away, this museum is dedicated to the iconic French fabric known as "toile de Jouy." The museum showcases the history, production techniques, and various patterns of this traditional fabric, providing a unique cultural experience.
  • Vallée de Chevreuse: This picturesque valley, located just a short distance from Dampierre en Yvelines, offers stunning natural landscapes, charming villages, and historic sites. Visitors can explore the valley's hiking trails, visit the medieval town of Chevreuse, or admire the Abbey of Port-Royal des Champs.
  • Château de Maintenon: Situated in Maintenon, around 30 kilometers away, this magnificent castle is known for its impressive architecture and stunning gardens. Visitors can explore the castle's furnished rooms, stroll through the manicured gardens, and learn about the history of its most famous resident, Madame de Maintenon. 10. Chartres Cathedral: Located in Chartres, approximately 50 kilometers away, this UNESCO World Heritage site is renowned for its stunning Gothic architecture and remarkable stained glass windows. The cathedral's interior and exterior beauty make it a popular destination for both religious pilgrims and history enthusiasts.

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