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Marie et Alex
11 - 13 Rue des Vignes
Neuville Bosc


2 reviews

Price per night:

price from €105




Description for B&B:

The Clos vineyards offer a selection of five high-quality rooms, each boasting a unique and inventive decorative style. From retro to modern, romantic to baroque or mountain-inspired, these rooms provide a diverse range of designs. All rooms feature independent access, a comfortable sitting area, a well-appointed bathroom, and convenient amenities. Amenities include a flat-screen TV with DTT channels and wifi access. Guests can enjoy a beautiful view of the garden, pool, and jacuzzi from their rooms (available from October 2008). In the morning, a delicious and generous breakfast can be enjoyed by the fireplace in the dining room or on the veranda at your leisure. Additionally, guests have the opportunity to dine on-site. Private parking is available for convenience. The standout feature of the Clos vineyards is the stunning bridal suite, perfect for couples or honeymooners. This suite combines a baroque and modern design with the concept of "open spaces." With spacious dimensions of 50 m2, the suite is bright and features a shower and a hydromassage bath with relaxing LED lights. The bio ethanol fireplace creates a warm ambiance for romantic evenings. Lastly, the fiber optic starry sky above the bed adds a surprising touch to the overall experience.


Appréciations pour Le Clos des Vignes, Neuville Bosc:

Review by: Patricia PARGUEY, Aou 12 2012 10:52PM
Superbes prestations, accueil et service irréprochable. Une décoration époustouflante et une propreté de plus en plus rare, bref un w.e. que nous aurions voulu prolonger car la piscine, le jacuzzi et le gardin d'agrément invite réèllement à la détente et la gourmandise des repas sont un délice. Nous n'avions réservé qu'une chambre, nous avons pu visiter une des suites décorées depuis peu (un éblouissement des yeux : chapeau à la Propriétaire qui a un gout des plus sûrs pour être dépayser de son quotidien) mais le service a été le même que pour les clients des suites bref nous reviendrons....
Envie de paradis ?
Review by: Mel, Juil 30 2009 8:12PM
Un endroit féérique qui n'a rien à envier aux plus beaux hôtels de la capitale. L'accueil est plus que chaleureux, le décor est idyllique et raffiné, le repas est succulent, la piscine chauffée et le jucuzzi très très agréables, et la suite nuptiale... tout simplement parfaite. Si vous avez été séduits par les photos, croyez moi, vous ne serez pas déçu, elles reflètent parfaitement les lieux.
Nous avons également été conquis par le souci du détail : déco superbe (ciel étoilé à couleurs changeantes dans la nuptiale, jardin mural dans la piscine...), peignoirs et pantoufles personnelles mises à disposition, petit déjeuné dans une salle magnifique accompagné d'une musique zen...
Petit conseil, profitez du domaine dès 14h30, possibilité de se balader autour des étangs et également de sortir à vélo (prêté pas les hôtes), sans parler des activités proposées comme le paint ball et évidemment la piscine...!
Un petit coin de paradis à prix très abordable.
On pourrait croire que j'exagère, mais je vous assure, tout est parfait... N'hésitez pas, vous ne serez pas déçus !

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Just a short 50-minute drive from Paris, 35 minutes from Beauvais airport, and 45 minutes from Roissy Charles de Gaulle, you can reach your destination. Start by heading towards Clichy and take the A 15 highway in the direction of Cergy Pontoise. Continue on this route until you reach Marines, Grisy casts, and finally Hénonville Neuville Bosc.



Property type Quantity
Prices in €
Daily Prices Weekly Prices
min. max. min. max.
extra bed
(2 pers.)
5 105 105 20 oui


Swimming Pool
Disabled Access


  • Château de Neuville: Located within walking distance from the given address, the Château de Neuville is a historic castle surrounded by beautiful gardens. Visitors can explore the castle's interiors, admire the grand architecture, and enjoy the scenic views.
  • Parc naturel régional du Vexin français: Situated nearby, the Parc naturel régional du Vexin français is a regional natural park known for its picturesque landscapes, charming villages, and rich biodiversity. Outdoor enthusiasts can indulge in activities like hiking, cycling, and picnicking while immersing themselves in nature.
  • Château de La Roche-Guyon: About 10 kilometers away, the Château de La Roche-Guyon is a mesmerizing fortress built on a cliff overlooking the Seine River. It features a combination of medieval and Renaissance architecture, stunning gardens, and offers guided tours for visitors interested in history and culture.
  • Giverny: Located approximately 20 kilometers east, Giverny is a small village famous for being the home of renowned impressionist painter Claude Monet. The village attracts art enthusiasts and nature lovers alike with its charming streets, Monet's stunning house and gardens, and the iconic water lily pond that inspired many of his paintings.
  • Auvers-sur-Oise: Situated around 30 kilometers northwest, Auvers-sur-Oise is a quaint town with a rich artistic heritage. It is famously known as the final resting place of Vincent van Gogh and offers visitors the chance to explore his former residence and the picturesque landscapes that inspired some of his most famous works.
  • Château de Chantilly: Located approximately 40 kilometers south, the Château de Chantilly is a magnificent Renaissance castle surrounded by a vast park and gardens. The castle houses the Musée Condé, which holds an extensive collection of art and artifacts, including famous masterpieces. Visitors can also enjoy horse shows and explore the grounds.
  • Palace of Versailles: Situated around 60 kilometers southwest, the Palace of Versailles is a world-famous attraction that served as the political center of France during the reign of Louis XIV. The opulent palace boasts grand halls, exquisite gardens, and the iconic Hall of Mirrors. Visitors can immerse themselves in the rich history and experience the grandeur of the palace.
  • Paris: Although a bit further away, Paris is easily accessible from the given address, being around 50 kilometers south. The French capital offers an endless array of attractions, including iconic landmarks like the Eiffel Tower, Louvre Museum, Notre-Dame Cathedral, and Montmartre. Visitors can enjoy world-class art, culture, cuisine, and explore the romantic streets of the City of Light.