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Nathalie Prada
24 Rue Georges Joignet


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Price per night:

price from €60






Description for B&B:

This property offers two bedrooms, each equipped with a private bathroom, TV, and fresh bedding. The garden features various games to entertain children, while the property itself is conveniently located near an adjacent river. Whether you seek a tranquil holiday or leisure activities, this location is ideal, with the stunning Chateau de Gisors and Giverny nearby.


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Property type Quantity
Prices in €
Daily Prices Weekly Prices
min. max. min. max.
extra bed
(2 pers.)
2 60 70 15 included



  • Château Gaillard: Located in Les Andelys, approximately 15 km away from Bernouville, Château Gaillard is a medieval fortress built by Richard the Lionheart in the 12th century. The castle offers stunning views of the Seine River and the surrounding countryside.
  • Claude Monet's House and Gardens: Situated in Giverny, about 40 km from Bernouville, this is the former residence of the famous Impressionist painter Claude Monet. Visitors can explore the artist's house and admire the beautiful gardens that inspired his iconic water lily paintings.
  • Rouen Cathedral: Found in the city of Rouen, around 40 km from Bernouville, Rouen Cathedral is a magnificent Gothic masterpiece. This historic cathedral is famous for its stunning architecture, intricate stained glass windows, and association with Joan of Arc.
  • Musée des Beaux-Arts de Rouen: Also located in Rouen, this art museum houses an impressive collection of paintings, sculptures, and decorative arts from the Renaissance period to the present day. Visitors can admire works by renowned artists such as Monet, Renoir, and Delacroix.
  • Haras du Pin National Stud: Situated in Le Pin-au-Haras, approximately 90 km away from Bernouville, this national stud farm is a UNESCO World Heritage site. It offers guided tours where visitors can learn about the history of horse breeding and watch equestrian shows.
  • Château de Beaumesnil: Found in Beaumesnil, around 25 km from Bernouville, this elegant 17th-century castle is surrounded by beautiful gardens and a moat. The castle is open to the public and showcases period furniture, tapestries, and a remarkable collection of horse-drawn carriages.
  • Château d'Harcourt: Situated in Harcourt, about 40 km away from Bernouville, this fortified medieval castle is set in a vast arboretum and botanical garden. Visitors can explore the castle's towers, discover its history, and enjoy peaceful walks in the surrounding nature.
  • Château de Bizy: Located in Vernon, approximately 45 km from Bernouville, this opulent neoclassical castle is often referred to as the "Versailles of Normandy." The castle boasts magnificent gardens, grand salons, and a collection of fine art and furnishings.
  • Musée des impressionnismes Giverny: Situated in Giverny, this museum focuses on the Impressionist movement and its connection to the region. It showcases temporary exhibitions featuring works by Monet, Renoir, and other Impressionist artists. 10. Les Jardins d'Étretat: Found in Étretat, around 90 km away from Bernouville, these unique gardens offer a combination of stunning coastal views and artistic landscaping. Visitors can explore various themed gardens, sculptures, and enjoy the picturesque cliffs of Étretat.

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