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Christine Paglieri
2, Chemin du Clos des écuries


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Price per night:

price from €80





Description for B&B:

Welcome to Christine's duplex loft in the peaceful countryside. This charming house, rented exclusively to families with children or couples from January to April, offers a delightful garden of 100 m2 with a swing. As you enter the house, you will be greeted by a bright and inviting atmosphere. The living room, spanning 35 m2, showcases a stunning mural painted by Christine's talented son, reflecting the artistic ambiance of the house. The kitchen and dining area are located on a raised level, creating a pleasant and sociable space. Equipped with all the necessary amenities, the kitchen allows you to prepare delicious meals at your convenience.

Upstairs, you will find a spacious loft room spanning 60 m2, complete with a bathroom. The room features a comfortable 180x200 double bed and two single beds, with the option of accommodating two additional guests if needed. The tranquility of the countryside surrounds you, ensuring a peaceful stay.

This idyllic location offers easy access to nearby attractions. Versailles is a mere 35 km away, making it a convenient destination for a day trip. The Thoiry Zoo, located just 20 km from the house, provides a perfect opportunity for a family outing. Additionally, three magnificent golf courses, namely Isabella Pontchartrain, Vaucouleur, and Tail Yvelines, can be found within a 10 km radius.

Experience the warmth and beauty of Christine's artistically decorated house, where every detail has been thoughtfully curated. Relax in the enchanting garden, immerse yourself in the serene countryside, and explore the nearby attractions for an unforgettable stay.


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To get to Orvilliers, follow these travel directions:

1. Start by taking the A12 highway in the direction of Dreux.
2. Take the exit for Houdan Maulette.
3. Once you exit, continue on the D9 road, which will lead you through Richebourg.
4. Look out for Orvilliers, a village located next to the church on the street called Ste Anne.
5. To find the house known as "Le Quai," turn right onto the "Way of Ending the Stables."
6. The house will be the second left after making the turn.



Property type Quantity
Prices in €
Daily Prices Weekly Prices
min. max. min. max.
extra bed
(2 pers.)
1 80 100 500 650 30 oui
(3 pers.)
3 100 120 550 750 30 oui
Apartment 1 160 200 650 850 30 oui


Animals Allowed


  • Château de Versailles: Located in Versailles, approximately 18 kilometers from Orvilliers, the Palace of Versailles is a renowned UNESCO World Heritage site. This opulent palace was the residence of French kings, including Louis XIV, and showcases stunning architecture, extensive gardens, and the famous Hall of Mirrors.
  • Chartres Cathedral: Situated in Chartres, around 44 kilometers from Orvilliers, Chartres Cathedral is a masterpiece of French Gothic architecture. This magnificent cathedral is known for its intricate stained glass windows, stunning sculptures, and the iconic Chartres Labyrinth.
  • Thoiry Safari Park: About 30 kilometers from Orvilliers, Thoiry Safari Park offers a unique wildlife experience. Visitors can drive through the safari area and observe various animals like lions, giraffes, elephants, and rhinos roaming freely. The park also features a zoo, a botanical garden, and a castle.
  • Claude Monet's House and Gardens: Located in Giverny, approximately 54 kilometers from Orvilliers, Monet's House and Gardens are a must-visit for art enthusiasts. Explore the former residence of the renowned Impressionist painter, Claude Monet, and wander through the beautifully landscaped gardens that inspired many of his famous works.
  • France Miniature: Situated in Élancourt, around 58 kilometers from Orvilliers, France Miniature is a theme park showcasing scaled-down replicas of iconic French landmarks. Visitors can explore miniature versions of the Eiffel Tower, Mont Saint-Michel, the Palace of the Popes, and many other famous sites.
  • Palace of Malmaison: Located in Rueil-Malmaison, approximately 63 kilometers from Orvilliers, the Palace of Malmaison was the residence of Napoleon Bonaparte and Josephine. This historic palace offers a glimpse into the life of the famous emperor and features beautiful gardens and a museum displaying Napoleonic memorabilia.
  • Château de Rambouillet: Situated in Rambouillet, around 65 kilometers from Orvilliers, the Château de Rambouillet is a grand country estate surrounded by a vast park. Visitors can explore the elegant interiors of the château, stroll through the gardens, and even encounter wild deer in the surrounding forest.
  • Park and Castle of Thoiry: Located in Thoiry, approximately 30 kilometers from Orvilliers, the Park and Castle of Thoiry offer a combination of natural beauty and historical architecture. The picturesque castle is surrounded by expansive gardens, a zoo, and a safari park, providing entertainment for visitors of all ages.
  • Maintenon Castle: Situated in Maintenon, around 34 kilometers from Orvilliers, Maintenon Castle is a stunning example of Renaissance architecture. Built in the 13th century, this castle offers guided tours that provide insights into its rich history and the life of Madame de Maintenon, the influential wife of Louis XIV. 10. Château de Breteuil: Located in Choisel, approximately 77 kilometers from Orvilliers, the Château de Breteuil is an enchanting castle surrounded by beautiful gardens and parkland. The castle offers guided tours that showcase its rich history, furnished rooms, and a collection of wax figures depicting scenes from famous literary works.

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