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Contact Details:


Matthieu Ferre
66 Avenue des Côtes de Bourg
Prignac et Marcamps


1 reviews

Price per night:

price from €345


05 57 58 77 59


06 59 21 79 77


Description for B&B:

Our house is a typical Gironde building located in the heart of a charming coastal village called Bourg, just 30 km away from Bordeaux. Matthew, a relaxation specialist, offers a variety of well-being massages in this serene and calming environment.

The rooms are thoughtfully furnished with authentic futons placed on rice straw mats, following the tradition of several Asian countries, to ensure a comfortable and supportive sleep experience.

If desired, guests can also take part in morning meditation and energy exercises to further enhance their relaxation and rejuvenation.

This area boasts a rich cultural heritage, including numerous renowned wine chateaux along the coast of Bourg and Côtes de Blaye, as well as the picturesque village of St Emilion situated only 35 km away.

For added convenience, transportation from the St André de Cubzac station (with multiple connections from Bordeaux) can be arranged.

Description for Gite


Appréciations pour Zen , Prignac et Marcamps:

Une bonne adresse
Review by: Elo et Elo, Mai 27 2014 9:57PM
Très agréable séjour chez Matthieu et Bertrand. Ambiance zen et reposante. Si vous passez dans la région nhésitez pas à vous arrêter. Accueil très chaleureux, de bons conseils.

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Property type Quantity
Prices in €
Daily Prices Weekly Prices
min. max. min. max.
extra bed
(2 pers.)
2 345 370 2850 4050 oui




  • Château de Bourg - Located in the nearby town of Bourg-sur-Gironde, this medieval castle offers a glimpse into the history of the region. Visitors can explore the fortified walls, towers, and ramparts, as well as enjoy stunning views of the surrounding vineyards and the Dordogne River.
  • Maison des Vins de Bourg - Situated in Bourg-sur-Gironde, this wine museum and tasting room showcases the wines of the Bourg region. Visitors can learn about the local winemaking traditions, enjoy wine tastings, and purchase bottles to take home as souvenirs.
  • Grotte de Pair-non-Pair - Just a short drive away from Prignac et Marcamps, this prehistoric cave is a fascinating archaeological site. Inside the cave, you can see ancient engravings and paintings dating back thousands of years, providing a unique insight into early human history.
  • Citadelle de Blaye - Located in the town of Blaye, the Citadelle is a UNESCO World Heritage site and a significant military fortress. Visitors can explore the well-preserved citadel walls, visit the historic buildings within, and enjoy panoramic views of the Gironde estuary.
  • Château de la Citadelle - Adjacent to the Citadelle de Blaye, this 17th-century castle now serves as a winery. Guided tours offer visitors the chance to learn about winemaking techniques, explore the vineyards, and sample the renowned wines produced on-site.
  • Château de Vayres - Situated in Vayres, a short drive from Prignac et Marcamps, this Renaissance castle is surrounded by beautiful gardens and a tranquil moat. Visitors can take guided tours of the castle's interior, stroll through the grounds, and attend various cultural events held on-site.
  • Église Monolithe de Saint-Emilion - Located in the picturesque town of Saint-Emilion, this unique monolithic church is carved entirely out of limestone. Visitors can explore the underground church, marvel at the intricate carvings, and learn about its rich history.
  • La Cité du Vin - Situated in Bordeaux, La Cité du Vin is a striking contemporary museum dedicated to wine. It offers interactive exhibits, wine tastings, and multimedia installations that take visitors on a journey through the history, culture, and diversity of wines from around the world.
  • Place de la Bourse - In the heart of Bordeaux, this grand square is a UNESCO World Heritage site and a symbol of the city. Visitors can admire the stunning architecture of the 18th-century buildings surrounding the square, including the famous Water Mirror, which creates a beautiful reflection. 10. Pont de Pierre - Spanning the Garonne River in Bordeaux, the Pont de Pierre is an iconic bridge that offers panoramic views of the city. Visitors can take a leisurely stroll across the bridge, capturing memorable photos of Bordeaux's skyline and the river below.

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