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Brunel Jean-marc
Quartier de La Moline
Pont de Montvert



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Price per night:

price from €25






Description for B&B:

We offer 5 guest rooms situated between the sources and the Gorges du Tarn, at the base of Mt Lozère (1700m), in the heart of the Cevennes National Park. Our location is just 400m away from the Bridge Montvert, a historical site where the Camisards war began in 1702. We are proud members of the Cévennes-ecotourism community.

Our place is ideal for enjoying various activities throughout the year. In the summer, guests can indulge in swimming and canoeing in the Tarn river (150m away) or explore the Ecomuseum Mont-Lozère. For those who love hiking, we are conveniently located on the famous Stevenson trail. Additionally, mountain biking, cycling, indoor and outdoor rock climbing, mushroom and chestnut picking in autumn, and skiing, snowshoeing, and tobogganing in winter are all available nearby.

We offer the option of half-board upon request or guests can choose to cater for themselves.


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Property type Quantity
Prices in €
Daily Prices Weekly Prices
min. max. min. max.
extra bed
(2 pers.)
2 25 120 260 670
(3 pers.)
3 75 120 260 670
Holiday Home 5 120 120 260 670 7


Animals Allowed


  • Pont de Montvert-Sud Mont Lozère: This picturesque village is located in the heart of the Cévennes National Park. It is known for its stone houses, narrow streets, and the beautiful bridge that gives the village its name. Visitors can explore the historic buildings, enjoy scenic walks, and learn about the region's rich cultural heritage.
  • Mont Aigoual: Rising 1,567 meters above sea level, Mont Aigoual is the highest peak in the Cévennes National Park. It offers stunning panoramic views of the surrounding countryside and is a popular destination for hikers and nature lovers. At the summit, visitors can also explore the meteorological observatory and learn about the mountain's unique climate.
  • Gorges du Tarn: Just a short drive from Quartier de La Moline, the Gorges du Tarn is a breathtaking natural wonder. Carved by the Tarn River, these deep canyons boast steep cliffs, crystal-clear waters, and stunning rock formations. Travelers can enjoy activities like hiking, kayaking, and scenic drives along the river, appreciating the untouched beauty of this UNESCO-listed site.
  • Château de Florac: Located in the charming village of Florac, this medieval castle is a historical gem. It features a well-preserved tower and offers stunning views of the surrounding landscape. The castle now houses a museum that showcases the region's history and culture, making it a must-visit for history enthusiasts.
  • Aven Armand: Situated near Meyrueis, Aven Armand is a magnificent cave known for its impressive stalactite formations. Guided tours take visitors through the underground chambers, allowing them to marvel at the natural wonders. The highlight is the "Great Stalagmite," a massive column that stands over 30 meters tall.
  • Causse Méjean: This vast limestone plateau offers a unique and diverse landscape. Located within the Cévennes National Park, Causse Méjean is a paradise for outdoor enthusiasts. Visitors can enjoy hiking, biking, and horseback riding while admiring the panoramic views of the surrounding valleys, cliffs, and plateaus.
  • Sainte-Enimie: This medieval village, nestled in the Tarn Gorges, is considered one of the most beautiful in France. Its narrow streets, charming stone houses, and the picturesque Sainte-Enimie Abbey attract visitors from near and far. The village is also a gateway to the stunning Tarn Gorges, offering opportunities for hiking, canoeing, and simply enjoying the stunning natural beauty.
  • Les Bambouseraies de Prafrance: Located in the village of Générargues, this unique botanical garden is home to a vast collection of bamboo species from around the world. Visitors can explore the lush gardens, walk through bamboo groves, and admire the beautiful water features. The garden also hosts cultural events and exhibitions throughout the year. These tourist attractions near Quartier de La Moline offer a combination of natural beauty, historical significance, and cultural experiences, making the region an ideal destination for travelers seeking diverse experiences in the south of France.