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24 Le Val d'Aulnay
Aulnay Sur Mauldre


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Price per night:

price from €80






Description for B&B:

Located in the serene countryside, our elegant guest rooms offer a refined and comfortable retreat. Situated just 30 km from Versailles and 12 km from Thoiry, our property offers a tranquil and relaxing atmosphere. Enjoy a delicious meal in our inviting dining area, available upon booking, where you can experience a warm and welcoming ambiance. On the first floor, you will find a bedroom with a luxurious 160-sized bed, complete with an en-suite bathroom featuring a shower and toilet. Additionally, there are two other bedrooms, one with a double bed and the other with a 160-sized bed and a 90-sized bed, both with en-suite bathrooms including showers and toilets. For your convenience, we provide bathrobes and herbal bath and shower products. Unwind in our outdoor spa or take a stroll through our vast garden and orchard spanning 5000 m². Indoor parking is available for your convenience. The GR26 hiking trail is just 100 meters from our property, perfect for nature enthusiasts. Enjoy a discount from the second night onwards.


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  • Château de Versailles: Located approximately 15 kilometers from Aulnay Sur Mauldre, the Palace of Versailles is a magnificent royal residence known for its opulent architecture, stunning gardens, and historical significance. Visitors can explore the palace's lavish interiors, walk through the vast gardens, and witness the famous Hall of Mirrors.
  • Château de Saint-Germain-en-Laye: Situated around 25 kilometers away, this castle is a former royal residence that now houses the National Archaeological Museum. It offers a fascinating glimpse into French history and features extensive collections of artifacts, including prehistoric, Roman, and medieval items.
  • Maison de Monet: Located in Giverny, approximately 70 kilometers from Aulnay Sur Mauldre, this is the former residence of renowned Impressionist painter Claude Monet. Visitors can explore Monet's vibrant gardens, which served as inspiration for many of his famous works, and tour the artist's charming house.
  • Fondation Claude Monet: Situated adjacent to Monet's home in Giverny, this art museum showcases an impressive collection of Impressionist paintings, including works by Monet himself and other influential artists of the movement.
  • Parc de Thoiry: Located about 30 kilometers from Aulnay Sur Mauldre, this sprawling wildlife park offers a unique safari experience. Visitors can drive through the park in their own vehicles and observe a variety of animals, including lions, giraffes, rhinos, and zebras, in a semi-wild setting.
  • Château de Rambouillet: Situated approximately 20 kilometers away, this former royal residence is now the official summer residence of the President of France. Visitors can explore the beautiful gardens and park surrounding the château, as well as tour the elegant interior.
  • France Miniature: Located around 35 kilometers from Aulnay Sur Mauldre, this theme park offers a scaled-down model of France's major landmarks and attractions. Visitors can wander through miniature versions of the Eiffel Tower, Mont Saint-Michel, and other iconic sites.
  • Musée des impressionnismes Giverny: Situated in Giverny, this museum showcases a collection of Impressionist and Post-Impressionist artwork. It hosts rotating exhibitions that highlight the works of various artists from the movement, providing a deeper understanding of this influential art style.
  • Château de Malmaison: Located approximately 35 kilometers away, this historic castle was once the residence of Napoleon Bonaparte and his first wife, Josephine. Today, it houses a museum dedicated to their lives, featuring furniture, artwork, and personal belongings. 10. Château de Maisons-Laffitte: Situated around 10 kilometers from Aulnay Sur Mauldre, this elegant château is renowned for its classical architecture and beautiful gardens. Visitors can explore the opulent interiors and stroll through the well-manicured grounds. These attractions offer a diverse range of historical, artistic, and natural experiences, ensuring there is something for every tourist near Aulnay Sur Mauldre, France.

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