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Claire Chapon
2 rue de la Ferme


1 reviews

Price per night:

price from €49






Description for B&B:

We offer a delightful family suite catering to 1 to 4 individuals. The suite is equipped with modern amenities including a TV, radio, mini bar, and a hot drink facility.


Appréciations pour La Ferme Rose, Boisemont:

La ferme Rose de Claire Chapon
Review by: Rita D'Haeninck de Bruges, Belgique, Mai 4 2014 11:10AM
étonnant, parceque je suis vraiment tomber pour la ferme et les annimaux. Je l'ai senti tendresse, tout autour. Et cela commence avec Claire, la patronne!! Pour moi, c'est un 10. je suis déjà retournée à la maison et j'y pense encore chaque jour! Rita de Bruges

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Take exit 13 on Motorway A15 for easy access from Calais/Boulogne via A16.



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extra bed
Notes: Suite sleeps 4




  • Château de Versailles: Located just 15 kilometers away, the Palace of Versailles is a magnificent royal residence renowned for its opulent architecture, stunning gardens, and historical significance. Visitors can explore the grand palace, admire the Hall of Mirrors, and wander through the vast gardens.
  • Musée d'Orsay: Situated in Paris, approximately 30 kilometers from Boisemont, the Musée d'Orsay is housed in a former railway station and showcases an extensive collection of Impressionist and Post-Impressionist art. Visitors can admire masterpieces by renowned artists such as Monet, Van Gogh, and Renoir.
  • Saint-Germain-en-Laye: Located just 10 kilometers away, this charming town is known for its picturesque streets and the Château de Saint-Germain-en-Laye. The château houses the National Archaeological Museum and offers panoramic views of Paris from its terrace. The town also features lovely parks and a bustling market.
  • Auvers-sur-Oise: Situated approximately 25 kilometers away, this small village is famous for its association with Vincent van Gogh. Visitors can explore the Van Gogh House, visit his grave at the Auvers Cemetery, and discover the locations that inspired some of his most iconic paintings.
  • Château de Malmaison: Located around 25 kilometers away, this former residence of Napoleon Bonaparte and Josephine is now a museum dedicated to their lives. Visitors can admire the luxurious interiors, stroll through the picturesque gardens, and learn about the historical significance of the château.
  • Giverny: Situated approximately 60 kilometers away, this charming village is renowned as the home of the famous painter Claude Monet. Visitors can explore Monet's house and gardens, which served as inspiration for many of his iconic works, particularly his series of Water Lilies.
  • La Défense: Located around 30 kilometers away, La Défense is a modern business district and home to the Grande Arche, a monumental arch that offers panoramic views of Paris. The area also features a variety of shopping centers, restaurants, and contemporary art installations.
  • Parc Astérix: Situated approximately 40 kilometers away, this theme park is based on the popular French comic book series, Astérix. It offers a range of thrilling rides, live shows, and attractions, all set in a vibrant ancient Gaulish village.
  • Musée de la Renaissance: Located just 5 kilometers away in Écouen, this museum is dedicated to the Renaissance period and houses an impressive collection of artworks, furniture, and decorative objects. Visitors can explore the beautifully restored château and learn about the cultural and artistic heritage of the era. 10. Château de Maisons-Laffitte: Situated approximately 15 kilometers away, this elegant château is a prime example of French classical architecture. Visitors can take guided tours of the interior, which showcases stunning period furnishings, and enjoy the surrounding parkland, which is perfect for a leisurely stroll.

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