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Yves Boutet
8 Rue des Saulniers
Roset Fluans


2 reviews

Price per night:

price from €55



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Description for B&B:

In consideration of the environment, we take pride in our eco-friendly approach by incorporating wooden decor in our rooms.

Room 1 features a 140cm bed, a 90cm bed, an armchair, ample storage space, and a bathroom equipped with a toilet, shower, and washbasin.

Room 2 offers a comfortable 140cm bed, an armchair, and a bathroom complete with a toilet, shower, and washbasin.

Additionally, we provide secure indoor storage for bicycles should you choose to explore the surroundings on two wheels.


Appréciations pour Les Jardins de Fraîche Comté, Roset Fluans:

Review by: Marie Priouret Cortial, Juil 22 2021 6:56PM
Soirée familiale, simple et chaleureuse. Nous sommes repartis avec un plant de Camomille, les enfants ne pouvaient plus s'arracher au jardin et aux animaux. bref une belle étape d'été
une nuit avec mes deux neveux en juillet
Review by: Christelle Hugo Thibaut CASSARD, Aou 1 2015 6:36PM
Nous avons été enchantés de l'accueil du repas de l'infusion menthe orange et de votre sympathie.

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To get from Besançon to Dole, head towards Saint Vit and then follow the signs for the Osselle Caves. Once you cross the Roset Fluans bridge, park your vehicle at the church parking lot. Our farm is located directly across from the church.



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extra bed
Notes: 45 if nobody alone




  • Citadel of Besançon: Located in Besançon, approximately 20 kilometers from Roset Fluans, the Citadel is a UNESCO World Heritage site. It offers stunning panoramic views of the city and houses various museums, including the Museum of Resistance and Deportation.
  • Château de Joux: Situated in La Cluse-et-Mijoux, around 35 kilometers from Roset Fluans, the Château de Joux is a medieval fortress and a historical monument. Visitors can explore its well-preserved towers, dungeons, and exhibitions that showcase its rich military history.
  • Royal Saltworks of Arc-et-Senans: About 45 kilometers from Roset Fluans, this unique UNESCO World Heritage site is an architectural masterpiece. Designed by Claude-Nicolas Ledoux, it was a salt production factory during the 18th century. Today, it offers guided tours and exhibitions highlighting the history of salt production.
  • Musée Gustave Courbet: Located in Ornans, approximately 30 kilometers from Roset Fluans, this museum is dedicated to the works of the famous French painter, Gustave Courbet. It houses a significant collection of his paintings, providing insight into his artistic career and the Realism movement.
  • Grottes d'Osselle: Situated around 40 kilometers from Roset Fluans, the Grottes d'Osselle is a network of ancient limestone caves. Visitors can take guided tours to admire the stunning stalactite and stalagmite formations, as well as learn about the prehistoric discoveries made within the caves.
  • Saline Royale d'Arc-et-Senans: Another attraction in Arc-et-Senans, approximately 45 kilometers from Roset Fluans, this former saltworks factory is a masterpiece of 18th-century industrial architecture. Visitors can explore the grand buildings, gardens, and exhibitions that showcase the history of salt production in the region.
  • Pontarlier: Situated about 40 kilometers from Roset Fluans, Pontarlier is a charming town known for its absinthe production. Visitors can explore the historic city center, visit the Absinthe Museum, and learn about the history and production of this famous alcoholic beverage.
  • Source de la Loue: Located in Ornans, around 30 kilometers from Roset Fluans, the Source de la Loue is a picturesque natural spring. The crystal-clear water emerges from the cliffs, surrounded by lush greenery, creating a tranquil and serene atmosphere. It is a popular spot for picnics and nature walks.
  • Musée de l'Aventure Peugeot: Situated in Sochaux, approximately 75 kilometers from Roset Fluans, this museum showcases the rich history of the Peugeot automobile company. Visitors can explore a vast collection of vintage cars, bicycles, motorcycles, and learn about the evolution of the Peugeot brand. 10. Lac Saint-Point: Located around 60 kilometers from Roset Fluans, Lac Saint-Point is the third-largest natural lake in France. It offers various water activities, including swimming, sailing, and fishing. The surrounding area is also ideal for hiking, cycling, and picnicking.

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