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Pecclet Frederic
4 Place de L Eglise
Chevigney Les Vercel


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Price per night:

price from €378






Description for B&B:

Experience the enchanting allure of Fountain Bird, a beautifully restored 18th century farm nestled in the picturesque Jura Mountains of Doubs, Franche-Comte. Offering a delightful combination of rustic charm and modern comfort, our lodging comprises of 3 charming cottages with 3 ears each, as well as 4 ears cottages exuding elegance and character. Situated in the tranquil village of Chevigney les Vercel, conveniently located between Besançon and Pontarlier, Fountain Bird captivates guests with its stunning stone architecture, intricate wood paneling, and exquisite period furniture. Immerse yourself in the beauty of our exceptionally blooming garden, and prepare to be captivated by the unique ambiance that awaits you.


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extra bed
(3 pers.)
6 350 450
Holiday Home 6




  • Château de Joux: Located in La Cluse-et-Mijoux, about 20 kilometers away from Chevigney Les Vercel, the Château de Joux is a medieval fortress with a rich history. It offers stunning panoramic views and houses a museum showcasing its military past.
  • Grottes d'Osselle: Situated in Roset-Fluans, approximately 30 kilometers from Chevigney Les Vercel, the Grottes d'Osselle are a series of limestone caves. Visitors can explore the fascinating underground network of chambers, stalactites, and stalagmites.
  • Royal Saltworks of Arc-et-Senans: Located in Arc-et-Senans, around 40 kilometers away, the Royal Saltworks is a UNESCO World Heritage site. This architectural masterpiece designed by Claude-Nicolas Ledoux served as a salt production facility in the 18th century and now houses a museum.
  • Besançon Citadel: Situated in Besançon, about 30 kilometers from Chevigney Les Vercel, the Besançon Citadel is a fortress built in the 17th century. It offers breathtaking views of the city and houses several museums, including the Natural History Museum and the Museum of Resistance and Deportation.
  • Arbois: A charming town located approximately 40 kilometers away, Arbois is famous for being the birthplace of Louis Pasteur and its wine production. Visitors can explore the picturesque streets, visit the Pasteur Museum, and indulge in wine tasting at local vineyards.
  • Cascades du Hérisson: Situated in Menétrux-en-Joux, around 70 kilometers from Chevigney Les Vercel, the Cascades du Hérisson is a stunning series of waterfalls in the Jura Mountains. There are several trails that allow visitors to admire the cascades and enjoy the surrounding natural beauty.
  • Saline Royale d'Arc-et-Senans: Another attraction in Arc-et-Senans, the Saline Royale is a former saltworks complex built in the 18th century. Designed by Claude-Nicolas Ledoux, it is a UNESCO World Heritage site and offers guided tours, exhibitions, and a beautiful park.
  • Pontarlier: Located around 50 kilometers from Chevigney Les Vercel, Pontarlier is a charming town known for its absinthe production. Visitors can explore the historic city center, visit the Absinthe Museum, and enjoy the picturesque landscapes of the Doubs River. These attractions offer a mix of historical, natural, and cultural experiences, providing visitors with a diverse range of options to explore near Chevigney Les Vercel.

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