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Hameau De Boscodon


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Price per night:

price from €79




Description for B&B:

Here are the rewritten descriptions for the accommodation options:

1. Dormitory: Please note that bed linen or a sleeping bag is required as linen is not provided in this option.

2. "Step" Room: The "step" room includes sheets and towels for your convenience. It features a washbasin but the toilets are shared with other guests.

3. Room with Sanitary: In this option, linen is provided for your comfort. You can choose between rooms with a shower only or a shower and toilet.


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Directions from Grenoble:
- Take RN 85 (Napoleon road) towards Gap, then continue on RN 94 towards Briançon.
- Alternatively, take RN 91 (Col du Lautaret) towards Briançon, then continue on RN 94 towards Gap.

Directions from Marseille:
- Take motorway A 51 and exit at the Saulce.
- Follow the signs for Tallard (D 942) and then Briançon (RN 94).

Directions from Nice:
- Take RN 85 (Napoleon road) towards Dignes les Bains - Sisteron.
- Continue in the direction of Briançon on RN 94.

Transport options:
- SNCF: Direct trains available from Paris and Marseille.
- Coach: Bus service available from Marseille, Aix-en-Provence, Nice, and Grenoble.

GPS Coordinates:
Latitude: 44.50028569460547
Longitude: 6.456146836280823



Property type Quantity
Prices in €
Daily Prices Weekly Prices
min. max. min. max.
extra bed
Notes: breakfast included
Notes: breakfast included


Credit cards accepted
Animals Allowed


  • Boscodon Abbey: Located near Hameau De Boscodon, Boscodon Abbey is a beautiful medieval abbey that dates back to the 12th century. Visitors can explore the well-preserved architecture and enjoy the peaceful surroundings.
  • Lac de Serre-Ponçon: Situated just a short distance from Hameau De Boscodon, Lac de Serre-Ponçon is a stunning artificial lake surrounded by picturesque mountains. It offers various recreational activities such as swimming, boating, and fishing, making it a popular spot for outdoor enthusiasts.
  • Embrun: A historic town located nearby, Embrun is known for its charming medieval streets and well-preserved city walls. Visitors can explore the town's cathedral, visit local museums, and enjoy panoramic views of the surrounding mountains.
  • Les Orres Ski Resort: Perfect for winter sports enthusiasts, Les Orres Ski Resort is a popular destination for skiing and snowboarding. Located a short drive away, it offers a range of slopes for all skill levels, as well as other winter activities like snowshoeing and ice skating.
  • Ecrins National Park: Located in the French Alps, Ecrins National Park is a vast protected area encompassing stunning landscapes, including glaciers, mountain peaks, and alpine meadows. Visitors can enjoy hiking trails, wildlife spotting, and breathtaking views within the park.
  • Gap: The nearby city of Gap offers a mix of historical attractions and modern amenities. Visitors can explore the city's medieval streets, visit the Gap Cathedral, and enjoy shopping and dining experiences in the vibrant city center.
  • Musée Muséum Départemental des Hautes-Alpes: Located in Gap, this museum showcases the natural and cultural heritage of the Hautes-Alpes department. It features exhibits on geology, archaeology, and regional history, providing an educational and engaging experience for visitors.
  • Queyras Regional Park: Situated not far from Hameau De Boscodon, Queyras Regional Park is a paradise for nature lovers. The park boasts stunning alpine landscapes, charming villages, and a wide range of outdoor activities such as hiking, mountain biking, and birdwatching.
  • Briançon: Known as the highest city in Europe, Briançon is a UNESCO World Heritage site with a rich history. Visitors can explore its well-preserved fortifications, stroll through the picturesque old town, and take in panoramic views of the surrounding mountains. 10. Les Demoiselles Coiffées: A unique natural site located near Crots, Les Demoiselles Coiffées features fascinating rock formations shaped by erosion. These tall, slender columns topped with large rocks have an otherworldly appearance and are a popular subject for photography.

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