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Anne-sophie Blier
20 Bis Rue Michel Chambrin


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Price per night:

price from €55






Description for B&B:

Welcome to The House of DoucesEure, a charming retreat located between Evreux and Pacy-sur-Eure. Experience the perfect blend of tradition and modernity amidst picturesque orchards and woodland. Immerse yourself in the wilderness and have the chance to spot pheasants, hares, and deer up close.

Our guest room offers a clean and minimalist design, providing you with a comfortable cocoon to relax in. With its own separate entrance and ensuite shower room and WC, you'll have all the privacy you need. The room features a cozy 160x200 bed and allows you to indulge in the beauty of Normandy.

Take advantage of our expansive garden, complete with bicycles, swings for children, and a variety of indoor and outdoor games for all ages. Feel free to unwind, wander through fields and forests, or simply enjoy the tranquility of our surroundings.

Our accommodations are housed in a brand new building, ensuring all facilities are up to date. Please note that our property is non-smoking and we do not allow pets. Parking is available for your convenience. We offer complimentary WiFi in the room and provide baby equipment upon request, including a cot, highchair, booster seat, changing mat, and bath. If you are traveling with a child, we can arrange a separate sleeping area.

To enhance your stay, we have provided a hairdryer and kettle in the room. Linens and towels are provided, and direct booking is available.

Upon entering our house, you will be greeted by vibrant colors and beautiful flowers that will bring joy to your heart.

- 1 night for 1 person, including breakfast: 50
- 1 night for 2 people, including breakfast: 60
- 1 night for 2 people + 1 child, including breakfast: 65
- Babies stay for free

Visit us at 20 Bis Rue Michel Chambrin, 27930 DOWN CIERREY.


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If you're traveling between Paris and Deauville, make a stop at Cierrey in the beautiful Normandy countryside! The house is conveniently located just 1km from National N13, ensuring a quick and easy journey for a restful experience.

Don't miss out on staying at La Maison des DoucesEure, located at 20 Bis Rue Michel Chambrin, 27930 CIERREY (LE BAS CIERREY).



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min. max. min. max.
extra bed
Notes: We do not charge extra or baby sleeping child, only an additional 5 € for breakfast for a child (2 years)




  • Château Gaillard: Located in Les Andelys, about 40 km away from Cierrey, Château Gaillard is a medieval fortress built by Richard the Lionheart in the 12th century. It offers stunning panoramic views of the Seine River and the surrounding countryside.
  • Musée des Impressionnismes Giverny: Situated in the village of Giverny, approximately 25 km from Cierrey, this museum showcases Impressionist art in a beautiful setting. It features works by Monet, Renoir, and other renowned artists, as well as temporary exhibitions.
  • Claude Monet's House and Gardens: Also located in Giverny, this is the former residence of the famous Impressionist painter, Claude Monet. Visitors can explore the artist's charming house and wander through the stunning gardens that inspired many of his famous works.
  • Cathédrale Notre-Dame d'Évreux: Situated in the city of Évreux, around 15 km from Cierrey, this magnificent cathedral dates back to the 11th century. It showcases a blend of architectural styles and features beautiful stained glass windows and intricate sculptures.
  • Château d'Harcourt: Found in Harcourt, approximately 20 km away from Cierrey, this well-preserved medieval castle offers a glimpse into Norman history. Visitors can explore the castle's towers, courtyards, and gardens, which are famous for their collection of ancient trees.
  • Fondation Claude Monet: Located in the village of Vernon, about 15 km from Cierrey, this foundation preserves and displays the works of Claude Monet. It also hosts temporary exhibitions and provides insights into the life and artistic journey of the renowned painter.
  • Abbaye du Bec-Hellouin: Situated in Le Bec-Hellouin, roughly 35 km away from Cierrey, this Benedictine abbey dates back to the 11th century. It is renowned for its remarkable Romanesque architecture, serene atmosphere, and beautiful gardens.
  • Musée d'Art, Histoire et Archéologie de l'Évêché: Located in Évreux, this museum showcases a diverse collection of art, history, and archaeology. It features exhibits ranging from ancient artifacts to modern artworks, providing a comprehensive overview of the region's cultural heritage.
  • Le Jardin Plume: Situated in Auzouville-sur-Ry, around 50 km from Cierrey, this contemporary garden is known for its unique design and stunning plant combinations. It offers a peaceful retreat with various themed gardens, including a water garden and a rose garden. 10. Maison et Jardins de Claude Monet à Vetheuil: Found in Vétheuil, approximately 35 km away from Cierrey, this site was once the home of Claude Monet. It offers a glimpse into the artist's life and work, with a focus on the period when he resided in Vétheuil. Please note that distances mentioned are approximate and may vary based on the specific route taken.

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