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Contact Details:


Laurence Watiez
28 Rue de La Roussière



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price from €630




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There are buses available in the hometown that can take you to certain destinations. However, it is important to note that these buses have limited operating hours, so make sure not to miss the return schedule. While using the bus has its advantages, there may also be some inconveniences associated with it.

Parking is available at the property, so you don't have to worry about finding a parking spot.

The Dreux train station is a 20-minute drive from here.

For those traveling by train, I offer a pick-up service from Dreux railway station for an additional fee.



Property type Quantity
Prices in €
Daily Prices Weekly Prices
min. max. min. max.
extra bed
Holiday Home 1 120 120 630 630




  • Château de Beaumesnil: Located about 5 kilometers from the given address, Château de Beaumesnil is a stunning Renaissance-style castle surrounded by beautiful gardens. Visitors can explore the castle's rich history, admire the magnificent architecture, and enjoy the peaceful ambiance of its surroundings.
  • Haras du Pin: Situated approximately 26 kilometers away, Haras du Pin is a renowned national stud farm often referred to as the "Versailles for horses." Visitors can take guided tours to learn about the equestrian heritage of the region, witness horse shows, and even enjoy horse-drawn carriage rides.
  • Château d'Harcourt: About 28 kilometers from the address, Château d'Harcourt is a well-preserved medieval fortress surrounded by a moat and beautiful gardens. Inside, visitors can explore the castle's exhibits, including medieval weaponry and armor, as well as enjoy the tranquil atmosphere of the park.
  • Jardins du Pays d'Auge: Located around 30 kilometers away, Jardins du Pays d'Auge is a collection of enchanting gardens nestled in the heart of Normandy. With various themed gardens, including a Japanese garden and a rose garden, visitors can take leisurely strolls, enjoy the colorful flora, and relax in the peaceful ambiance.
  • Basilique Notre-Dame de Lisieux: Situated approximately 33 kilometers from the given address, Basilique Notre-Dame de Lisieux is a magnificent Roman Catholic basilica dedicated to Saint Thérèse of Lisieux. The basilica's stunning architecture, intricate mosaics, and peaceful atmosphere make it a significant pilgrimage site for Catholics.
  • Château de Crèvecoeur-en-Auge: About 37 kilometers away, Château de Crèvecoeur-en-Auge is a medieval castle nestled in the picturesque Auge Valley. Visitors can explore the castle's well-preserved architecture, learn about medieval life through interactive exhibits, and enjoy the scenic views of the surrounding countryside.
  • Honfleur: Situated approximately 60 kilometers from the address, Honfleur is a charming coastal town famous for its picturesque harbor and historic architecture. Visitors can wander through the narrow, cobbled streets, admire the colorful buildings, and enjoy the lively atmosphere of the waterfront.
  • Claude Monet's House and Gardens (Giverny): Located about 80 kilometers away, Claude Monet's House and Gardens in Giverny are a must-visit for art enthusiasts. Visitors can explore the painter's former residence, including his iconic water lily garden and Japanese bridge, which served as inspiration for many of his famous works. These are just a few of the many tourist attractions near the given address in France, offering diverse experiences ranging from historical sites to natural beauty and artistic inspiration.

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