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Jacques Pinguet
52 Chemin de Thouzon, .


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Price per night:

price from €80




Description for B&B:

Experience the ultimate comfort in our spacious rooms, designed to provide you with a relaxing and enjoyable stay. Each room features a bathroom equipped with a bathtub or shower, a separate WC, and a convenient kitchenette for your convenience.

With a private entrance on the ground floor, you will have easy access to your room, and a lovely terrace awaits you outside. The terrace is furnished with tables, chairs, and a parasol, creating the perfect spot to unwind. Take pleasure in the tranquility of your private terrace, where you can doze off while listening to the soothing sound of chirping cicadas or indulge in evening daydreams under the mesmerizing lights of the pool.

Start your day off right with a delicious breakfast served from 8:30 to 10:00. You can choose to enjoy your breakfast on the terrace or in the breakfast room, whichever suits your preference.

Our pool, measuring 6.5x13 yards, is open and solar heated from May to October, providing a refreshing and invigorating experience. For added convenience, we offer closed parking with gates, and a remote will be provided for the duration of your stay.

To explore the surrounding area, we provide three mountain bikes for your use, allowing you to embark on exciting adventures. Additionally, you will have free access to tennis courts, measuring 160 yards, providing the perfect opportunity to engage in some friendly competition or enjoy a leisurely game.

Indulge in the comfort and amenities we offer, ensuring a memorable and enjoyable stay.


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Property type Quantity
Prices in €
Daily Prices Weekly Prices
min. max. min. max.
extra bed
(2 pers.)
4 80 100 567 725 25 oui


Swimming Pool
Animals Allowed


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