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Patrice Salerno
Hameau des Arnoulats


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Price per night:

price from €48




Description for B&B:

Experience the rich history of the Cathar Country. Monique invites you to explore her exquisite artisanal creations, while Patrice enlightens you on the fascinating tale of Catharism. Our friendly hosts ensure a warm welcome, where the tranquil power of nature, history, and humanity intertwine seamlessly.


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2 48 53 17 OUI




  • Château de Puivert: Located in the village of Puivert, this medieval castle dates back to the 12th century. It offers stunning views of the surrounding landscape and features a museum dedicated to troubadour culture.
  • Lac de Montbel: Situated just a short distance from Puivert, this picturesque lake is perfect for outdoor enthusiasts. Visitors can enjoy activities such as swimming, boating, fishing, and hiking along the scenic shoreline.
  • Rennes-le-Château: Known for its mysterious history and connections to the Holy Grail, this small village is a popular destination for those interested in the occult. Explore the village's enigmatic sites, including the Church of Saint Mary Magdalene and the alleged treasure of Bérenger Saunière.
  • Gorges de la Frau: This stunning natural attraction is located a short drive from Puivert. The deep and narrow gorge offers breathtaking views, hiking trails, and opportunities for rock climbing.
  • Les Forges de Pyrène: Located in Montgaillard, this open-air museum showcases traditional crafts and ironwork. Visitors can witness blacksmith demonstrations, explore the workshops, and learn about the region's industrial heritage.
  • Fontaine de Fontestorbes: This unique natural phenomenon is a must-visit attraction near Puivert. The intermittent spring flows and stops at regular intervals, creating a fascinating spectacle for visitors.
  • Château de Montségur: Situated atop a rocky hill, this medieval fortress is known for its historical significance as a Cathar stronghold. Explore the ruins, learn about the Cathar history, and enjoy panoramic views of the surrounding landscape.
  • Mirepoix: A charming medieval town, Mirepoix is famous for its half-timbered houses and a beautiful central square. Stroll through the picturesque streets, visit the 13th-century Maison des Consuls, and enjoy the local markets.
  • Château de Foix: Located in the town of Foix, this impressive castle overlooks the Ariège River valley. Explore the well-preserved fortress, visit the museum inside, and learn about the history of the region. 10. Carcassonne: Although a bit further away, Carcassonne is worth a visit for its magnificent fortified city. The UNESCO World Heritage site features a medieval fortress with impressive ramparts, a picturesque old town, and a rich history dating back to Roman times.

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