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Kristel Poisson
La Bourbelle
Neufmoutiers en Brie


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Price per night:

price from €120






Description for B&B:

The guest room is a well-lit and expansive private suite offering a picturesque forest view. It includes a bathroom, a toilet with a sink, and a kitchen complete with a refrigerator and microwave oven. Amenities such as WiFi, TV connection, DVD player, bathrobes, shower gels, towels, and dishes are provided. Additionally, our charming resident animals, including donkeys, chickens, and sheep, will be thrilled to greet you. Start your day with a delicious breakfast featuring pastries, toast, pancakes, freshly squeezed orange juice, fruit, and homemade yogurt.


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Upon reaching the entrance of Neufmoutiers en Brie, follow the sign indicating CMPA. Proceed straight ahead and continue following the arrow labeled "The Bourbelle" for a distance of 1 km. At this point, locate the first white gate on the left side of the road. Congratulations, you have arrived! We look forward to welcoming you at the large red brick house.



Property type Quantity
Prices in €
Daily Prices Weekly Prices
min. max. min. max.
extra bed
(2 pers.)
1 120 120 20




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  • Château de Fontainebleau: Situated in the town of Fontainebleau, this grand palace is a UNESCO World Heritage site and a former residence of French monarchs. The palace showcases a mix of Renaissance and classical architectural styles and features stunning gardens, opulent interiors, and historical exhibitions.
  • Vaux-le-Vicomte: Located in Maincy, Vaux-le-Vicomte is a magnificent 17th-century château renowned for its beautiful architecture and extensive gardens. It is considered a masterpiece of classical French architecture and served as a model for the Palace of Versailles.
  • Château de Blandy-les-Tours: Situated in Blandy-les-Tours, this medieval fortress is a well-preserved example of medieval military architecture. Visitors can explore the towers, ramparts, and inner courtyard, and learn about the castle's fascinating history through guided tours and exhibitions.
  • Parc des Félins: Located in Lumigny-Nesles-Ormeaux, this wildlife park is home to over 25 species of wild cats, including lions, tigers, leopards, and cheetahs. Visitors can observe these majestic animals in spacious enclosures and learn about their conservation and protection efforts.
  • Château de Vincennes: Situated in Vincennes, this medieval fortress is one of the largest and best-preserved castles in Europe. It offers a glimpse into French history, with its impressive keep, moat, chapel, and royal apartments. The castle also hosts various exhibitions and events throughout the year.
  • Parc des Capucins: Located in Coulommiers, this charming park is perfect for a leisurely stroll or a picnic. It features beautiful gardens, a lake with ducks and swans, playgrounds for children, and a mini-golf course. The park provides a tranquil escape from the bustling city.
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