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Graig Apero


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price from €35




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Description for B&B:

The villa is conveniently located just 10 minutes away from both Nimes and Montpellier, making it easily accessible.

Description for Gite

The accommodation offers a comfortable room with WiFi access and a TV. Additionally, guests have access to the LA VILLA's barbecue facilities.


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Prices in €
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min. max. min. max.
extra bed
(2 pers.)
1 35 45 230 300


Swimming Pool


  • Pont du Gard: Located approximately 40 kilometers northeast of the given address, Pont du Gard is a stunning ancient Roman aqueduct bridge. It is a UNESCO World Heritage site and offers visitors the opportunity to admire the impressive architecture and enjoy scenic views of the surrounding area.
  • Nîmes Arena: Situated around 22 kilometers southwest of the given address, Nîmes Arena is a well-preserved Roman amphitheater. This historic site hosts various events and concerts today, allowing visitors to experience the grandeur of the past while enjoying modern entertainment.
  • Uzès: Positioned approximately 30 kilometers northwest of the given address, Uzès is a charming medieval town known for its well-preserved architecture and picturesque streets. Visitors can explore the town's historic center, visit the famous Uzès Cathedral, and admire the beautiful Place aux Herbes square.
  • Aigues-Mortes: Situated about 60 kilometers southwest of the given address, Aigues-Mortes is a fortified medieval town located on the coast. Surrounded by impressive city walls, Aigues-Mortes offers visitors a glimpse into the region's history, with its narrow streets, historic buildings, and scenic views.
  • Montpellier: Positioned approximately 30 kilometers southeast of the given address, Montpellier is a vibrant city that blends historical charm with a modern atmosphere. It features beautiful architecture, including the Place de la Comédie, the stunning Montpellier Cathedral, and the picturesque old town with its lively streets filled with shops, cafes, and restaurants.
  • Camargue Regional Nature Park: Located around 60 kilometers southwest of the given address, the Camargue Regional Nature Park is a unique and diverse natural reserve. It is known for its vast wetlands, marshes, and lagoons, as well as its rich wildlife, including flamingos, wild horses, and bulls. Visitors can enjoy birdwatching, horse riding, and exploring the park's natural beauty.
  • Les Baux-de-Provence: Situated approximately 90 kilometers northwest of the given address, Les Baux-de-Provence is a breathtaking village perched atop a rocky outcrop. It offers stunning panoramic views of the surrounding countryside and is home to numerous historic sites, including the impressive ruins of the Château des Baux and the Church of Saint-Vincent. These attractions provide a range of historical, cultural, and natural experiences for visitors near 4 Impasse des Mimosas, France.

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