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Pierre Balleux
1176 Route de Dieppe


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Description for B&B:

Experience the charm of a bed and breakfast nestled within a picturesque Normandie farm and a quaint village. Located just 20 km away from the vibrant city of Dieppe and the serene coastline, our accommodation offers a peaceful retreat surrounded by lush forests.


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(2 pers.)
2 oui
(3 pers.)
1 oui


Animals Allowed


  • Château de Mesnières-en-Bray: Located around 15 kilometers from Pommeréval, Château de Mesnières-en-Bray is a magnificent 18th-century castle surrounded by beautiful gardens. Visitors can explore the castle's rich history, enjoy the picturesque landscape, and participate in various cultural events held throughout the year.
  • Jardin Plume: Situated just 5 kilometers away, Jardin Plume is a stunning contemporary garden renowned for its unique design and artistic approach. It features a harmonious combination of flowers, trees, and sculptures, creating a peaceful and inspiring atmosphere for visitors to relax and appreciate nature's beauty.
  • Abbaye de Saint-Wandrille de Fontenelle: Roughly 25 kilometers from Pommeréval, this ancient abbey dates back to the 7th century and is still home to a community of Benedictine monks. The abbey's architecture, including its stunning Romanesque church, cloister, and gardens, make it a captivating place to explore and learn about its religious heritage.
  • Château de Martainville: Situated approximately 20 kilometers away, Château de Martainville is a splendid Renaissance-style castle that now houses the Museum of Norman Arts and Traditions. Visitors can discover the region's history and culture through the museum's extensive collection of furniture, artwork, costumes, and traditional crafts.
  • Rouen Cathedral: Located about 25 kilometers from Pommeréval, Rouen Cathedral is a breathtaking masterpiece of Gothic architecture. This historical and religious monument, immortalized by Claude Monet's paintings, is famous for its stunning stained glass windows and grand façade. Visitors can admire its intricate details, climb the tower for panoramic views of Rouen, and soak in the sacred atmosphere.
  • Parc de Clères: Situated around 30 kilometers away, Parc de Clères is a charming zoological park set in a picturesque landscape. It offers visitors the opportunity to see various animal species, including endangered ones, in a semi-natural habitat. The park also features beautiful gardens, a playground, and picnic areas for a fun-filled family day out.
  • Musée des Antiquités: Located in the heart of Rouen, around 25 kilometers from Pommeréval, the Musée des Antiquités houses a remarkable collection of ancient art and archaeological artifacts. Visitors can explore exhibits that span from prehistoric times to the Middle Ages, showcasing the cultural and historical heritage of the region. These attractions offer a diverse range of experiences, from exploring rich historical sites to immersing oneself in nature's beauty and appreciating art and culture.